
We offer a comprehensive selection of electronic security services.

Intruder Alarms

From simple wireless systems suitable for single bedroom flats to systems able to secure the largest industrial units, we design, install and maintain. We are able to interface alarm systems with lighting, digital phone diallers, access control and external detection systems.

Fire Detection

We design, install, commission and maintain fire detection systems suitable for the largest of properties.


We offer a comprehensive selection of Closed Circuit Television systems, both conventional and IP systems. We can supply distribution systems that allow viewing of CCTV on every TV within a house, allow remote viewing over the Internet and bespoke security and anti-pest systems triggered by the CCTV system.

Access Control

Lastly we design, install, commission and maintain a large number of access control solutions. These range from simple push-button voice only access control for flats to massively scalable integrated access control suitable for the largest of commercial sites.

We offer a complete range of stand alone and integrated security products and services.